Coffee, tea, mate and spices
HS Code: 09
Description: HS Code 9 pertains to miscellaneous manufactured articles. It covers an extensive range of items not classified under the primary categories, including works of art, antiques, walking sticks, umbrellas, brooms, buttons, safety matches, and even the artificial flowers. It provides a classification for industrial as well as personal objects with specific manufacturing attributes.
Which are the most important countries Ethiopia is selling »Coffee, tea, mate and spices« (HS Code: 9) to?
The most important countries Ethiopia is selling »Coffee, tea, mate and spices« (HS Code: 9) to are:
United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Japan, BelgiumWhich companies in Ethiopia are selling »Coffee, tea, mate and spices« (HS Code: 9)?
Companies in Ethiopia selling »Coffee, tea, mate and spices« (HS-Code: 9) can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.
Who are the customers of »Coffee, tea, mate and spices« (HS Code: 9) for suppliers from Ethiopia?
Customers for »Coffee, tea, mate and spices« (HS-Code: 9) with suppliers from Ethiopia can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.