Copper and articles thereof
HS Code: 74
Description: HS Code 74 refers to the particular Harmonized System (HS) Code category that covers Copper and articles thereof. This encompasses a range of copper goods such as unrefined copper, copper wire, copper tubes, and other finished or semi-finished articles made from copper. This code is essential for the international trade of copper items.
Which are the most important countries Bulgaria is selling »Copper and articles thereof« (HS Code: 74) to?
The most important countries Bulgaria is selling »Copper and articles thereof« (HS Code: 74) to are:
People's Republic of China, Belgium, Germany, Türkiye, ItalyWhich companies in Bulgaria are selling »Copper and articles thereof« (HS Code: 74)?
Companies in Bulgaria selling »Copper and articles thereof« (HS-Code: 74) can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.
Who are the customers of »Copper and articles thereof« (HS Code: 74) for suppliers from Bulgaria?
Customers for »Copper and articles thereof« (HS-Code: 74) with suppliers from Bulgaria can be found within the Free Search of ABRAMS world trade wiki.