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ABRAMS world trade wiki as a partner of UN Comtrade (database of the United Nations) as well as the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) analyzes billions of statistical data as well as freight and customs data using intelligent algorithms as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and has developed a "unique business intelligence portal" on this basis (quote UN Comtrade / References).
On this page you will get insights into the market activities of Adidas International Trading AG which have been individually prepared by our research team.
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Multi-level supply chain transparency
ABRAMS world trade wiki not only shows direct suppliers and buyers of the first tier (Tier-1). Our tool Supply Chain Intelligence breaks the visibility barrier beyond Tier-1, enabling a comprehensive insight into the entire supply chain network, providing multi-tier transparency with just one click.
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Who are the suppliers of Adidas International Trading AG?
The performance of a company depends heavily on its suppliers. Therefore, a reliable network of partners (suppliers, dealers and manufacturers) is elementary. In bills of lading, a total of 450 international suppliers of Adidas International Trading AG could be identified on which the company is relying. One of the suppliers is, for example, the company Idea (Macao Commercial Offshore) Ltd., which delivered 196 shipments.
Among 28 identified supplying countries, an important source to purchase products from is: Vietnam. 1,349 shipments of goods could be identified from this country.
Get an overview of Adidas International Trading AG’s international procurement and its 450 suppliers with Company Transparency
What does the supply chain of Adidas International Trading AG look like?
Generally you can differentiate the supply chain or supply network of Adidas International Trading AG by two perspectives:
The supplier side (a so-called Tier-1-supplier is a direct supplier, Tier-2 is a supplier of the Tier-1 supplier, Tier-n is a supplier at any level in the Adidas International Trading AG supply network).
The buyer side (a so-called Tier-1 buyer is a direct buyer, Tier-2 is a buyer of the Tier-1 buyer, Tier-n is a buyer at any level in the Adidas International Trading AG distribution network).
To ensure business stability and continuity, a supply chain or supply network must be constructed in such a way that external influences can cause as little damage as possible to Adidas International Trading AG.
This applies both in the area of procurement (the loss of a supplier must be covered by an alternative supplier) as in the area of sales (the loss of a buyer must be covered by an alternative buyer).
Risks can generally be considered as the non-availability of goods, through cutback or complete halt of production, or the potential loss of business partners, violating compliance rules (e.g. protection of the environment, labor legislation) and thus drop out of the supply network.
This risk should not necessarily be limited to the direct business partner (Tier 1), it involves the entire supply chain, unless sufficient alternative suppliers and buyers have been put in place.
Get an overview of the international supply chain of Adidas International Trading AG (upstream/procurement and downstream/sales) from Tier-1 to Tier-n
ABRAMS world trade wiki not only shows direct suppliers and customers of the first tier (Tier-1). With just one click in our tool Supply Chain Intelligence you get a comprehensive insight into the supply network with multiple tiers (Tier-n) beyond the first tier.
Is the supply chain of Adidas International Trading AG stable?
Each tier in the supply chain or supply network on the supplier side of Adidas International Trading AG involves a single risk. The more tiers, the more difficult it is to analyze and monitor the business partners. Suppliers of suppliers are generally unknown, so there is already an increasing risk at the second (Tier 2) level.
If e.g. a first Tier supplier is not adding any value, the supply chain can be shortened and the risk of failure can be minimized by skipping this supplier. A previous Tier-2 supplier now turns into a Tier-1 supplier, which we call "go-direct". In our tool Supply Chain Intelligence as far as international suppliers are concerned, this analysis can be done with one click:
Which products does Adidas International Trading AG purchase?
Based on the analysis of international bills of lading (bill of lading/ bills of lading/ BOL), a total of 209 different product categories that have been purchased by Adidas International Trading AG, can be identified.
These are classified by means of HS codes (HTS codes or customs tariff numbers).
For example, HS code 640110 classifies the following products:
„Waterproof footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap, with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of plastics, the uppers of which are neither fixed to the sole nor assembled by stitching, riveting, nailing, screwing, plugging or similar processes (excl. skating boots with ice or roller skates attached, shin-guards and similar protective sportswear)". This HS code was sighted 2,356 times in total.
From the product descriptions of the analyzed bills of lading (bill of lading/ bills of lading/ BOL), the following purchased products from various suppliers can be identified as examples:
8 CARTONS 66.185 KGM 0.536 MTQ OF COTTON MENS OTHER T-SHI HS CODE 6109100012 INV S5222415720 E-FORM FI-NO: SCB-EXP-000596-06022023 DATE: 2023-02-06 CUST. ORDER NO: 297543643 PO NO.: 0132240511 ARTICLE NO.: HY1343 NO. OF CTNS:8 NO. OF PCS:334 TOTAL GROSS WT.:66.185 KGS INV S5222415746 297544207 0132240765 IL5407 18 CARTONS 161.96 KGM 1.209 MTQ INV S5222415732 297543909 0132240671 NO. OF CTNS:18 NO. OF PCS:800 TOTAL GROSS WT.:161.960 KGS 29 CARTONS 306.984 KGM 2.376 MTQ TRSRS,BRCHS,MENS,COTN,NIT HS CODE 6103421020 INV S5222415747 HBL-EXP-006135-14022023 DATE: 2023-02-14 297544215 0132240768 IM2084 NO. OF CTNS:29 NO. OF PCS:454 TOTAL GROSS WT.:306.984 KGS 36 CARTONS 337.844 KGM 2.948 MTQ INV S5222415735 HMB-EXP-012551-08022023 DATE: 2023-02-08 297543953 0132240700 IM2110 NO. OF CTNS:36 NO. OF PCS:614 TOTAL GROSS WT.:337.844 KGS 25 CARTONS 151.244 KGM 1.679 MTQ MENS/BOYSPULLOVRS,ETC,KN HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5223419434 297685514 0132366022 IJ9719 NO. OF CTNS:25 NO. OF PCS:571 TOTAL GROSS WT.:151.244 KGS 60.85 KGM 0.488 MTQ COTTON MENS TANK TOPS/OTH HS CODE 6109100018 INV S5223419553 AHB-EXP-011486-14022023 297685764 0132366368 IM4394 NO. OF PCS:320 TOTAL GROSS WT.:60.850 KGS 26 CARTONS 281.57 KGM 1.747 MTQ INV S5223419600 HMB-EXP-015050-15022023 DATE: 2023-02-15 297686546 0132366978 IM2093 NO. OF CTNS:26 NO. OF PCS:895 TOTAL GROSS WT.:281.570 KGS 23 CARTONS 250.996 KGM 1.884 MTQ INV S5223419452 297685902 0132366057 IM4498 NO. OF CTNS:23 NO. OF PCS:311 TOTAL GROSS WT.:250.996 KGS 16 CARTONS 152.076 KGM 1.074 MTQ INV S5223419538 AHB-EXP-013763-22022023 DATE: 2023-02-22 297685667 0132366343 IL2828 NO. OF CTNS:16 NO. OF PCS:566 TOTAL GROSS WT.:152.076 KGS 19 CARTONS 145.797 KGM 1.558 MTQ WOMNS TROUSERS/BREECH,COTN HS CODE 6104622011 INV S5223419386 297685073 0132365400 IA6432 NO. OF CTNS:19 NO. OF PCS:302 TOTAL GROSS WT.:145.797 KGS 35 CARTONS 267.823 KGM 2.867 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, WOMENS HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5223419397 297685158 0132365448 IA6416 NO. OF CTNS:35 NO. OF PCS:484 TOTAL GROSS WT.:267.823 KGS 70 CARTONS 473.208 KGM 5.733 MTQ INV S5223419404 NBP-EXP-083280-14022023 297685161 0132365460 IA6456 NO. OF CTNS:70 NO. OF PCS:1223 TOTAL GROSS WT.:473.208 KGS 33 CARTONS 169.476 KGM 2.703 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, MENS HS CODE 6110202041 INV S5223419428 297684989 0132366001 II5762 NO. OF CTNS:33 NO. OF PCS:641 TOTAL GROSS WT.:169.476 KGS FREIGHT COLLECT 13 CARTONS 164.497 KGM 0.873 MTQ INV S5223419479 297685730 0132366119 IM2078 NO. OF CTNS:13 NO. OF PCS:647 TOTAL GROSS WT.:164.497 KGS 15 CARTONS 179.44 KGM 1.008 MTQ INV S5223419463 297685337 0132366086 IM4507 NO. OF CTNS:15 NO. OF PCS:645 TOTAL GROSS WT.:179.440 KGS 9 CARTONS 54.368 KGM 0.603 MTQ WOMNS/GRLSPULLOVRS,ETC,K HS CODE 6110202079 INV S5223419466 297685269 0132366089 IK4049 NO. OF CTNS:9 NO. OF PCS:345 TOTAL GROSS WT.:54.368 KGS 11 CARTONS 78.979 KGM 0.738 MTQ INV S5223419464 297685430 0132366087 IK4046 NO. OF CTNS:11 NO. OF PCS:517 TOTAL GROSS WT.:78.979 KGS 10 CARTONS 52.128 KGM 0.67 MTQ INV S5223419471 297685431 0132366095 IK4050 NO. OF CTNS:10 TOTAL GROSS WT.:52.128 KGS 22 CARTONS 125.728 KGM 1.804 MTQ INV S5223419496 297685363 0132366216 IM4537 NO. OF CTNS:22 TOTAL GROSS WT.:125.728 KGS 126.14 KGM INV S5223419495 NBP-EXP-085231-17022023 DATE: 2023-02-17 297685935 0132366215 IM4531 NO. OF PCS:301 TOTAL GROSS WT.:126.140 KGS 144.872 KGM 2.049 MTQ INV S5223419500 297685454 0132366223 IM4532 NO. OF PCS:349 TOTAL GROSS WT.:144.872 KGS 82.72 KGM 0.739 MTQ WOMENS DRESSES OF COTTON HS CODE 6104420010 INV S5223419487 HBL-EXP-007667-23022023 DATE: 2023-02-23 297685917 0132366140 IB7402 NO. OF PCS:300 TOTAL GROSS WT.:82.720 KGS 161.274 KGM INV S5223419568 SCB-EXP-000892-27022023 DATE: 2023-02-27 297685674 0132366888 IL5416 NO. OF PCS:802 TOTAL GROSS WT.:161.274 KGS 17 CARTONS 160.514 KGM 1.151 MTQ INV S5222415737 297544003 0132240715 IL5393 NO. OF CTNS:17 NO. OF PCS:609 TOTAL GROSS WT.:160.514 KGS 181.39 KGM 1.802 MTQ OTRWR(MENS) IN CTTN 61 HS CODE 6101200010 INV S5223420686 297744975 0132396033 IL2499 TOTAL GROSS WT.:181.390 KGS 93.132 KGM 0.671 MTQ INV S5223421581 297824736 0132439803 IB7422 NO. OF PCS:437 TOTAL GROSS WT.:93.132 KGS 3 CARTONS 10.077 KGM 0.183 MTQ INV S5223426136 296921984 0131780806 IC6241 NO. OF CTNS:3 NO. OF PCS:44 TOTAL GROSS WT.:10.077 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0463 AKI0463436,AKI0463437
FREIGHT COLLECT 12 CARTONS 103.745 KGM 0.805 MTQ MENS/BOYSPULLOVRS,ETC,KN HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5222411598 E-FORM FI-NO: HBL-EXP-001670-16012023 DATE: 2023-01-16 CUST. ORDER NO: 297151230 PO NO.: 0131903104 ARTICLE NO.: II5902 NO. OF CTNS:12 NO. OF PCS:428 TOTAL GROSS WT.:103.745 KGS 23 CARTONS 204.888 KGM 1.794 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, WOMENS HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5222411571 AHB-EXP-003342-13012023 DATE: 2023-01-13 297145592 0131901407 HC8823 NO. OF CTNS:23 NO. OF PCS:312 TOTAL GROSS WT.:204.888 KGS 20 CARTONS 175.53 KGM 1.56 MTQ TRSRS,BRCHS,MENS,COTN,NIT HS CODE 6103421020 INV S5222412836 HBL-EXP-002585-23012023 DATE: 297256053 0131950806 IA4794 NO. OF CTNS:20 NO. OF PCS:310 TOTAL GROSS WT.:175.530 KGS 40 CARTONS 393.174 KGM 3.12 MTQ SHORTS, MENS,COTN,KNIT/CR HS CODE 6103421050 INV S5222412844 297256667 0131952098 IA6351 NO. OF CTNS:40 NO. OF PCS:782 TOTAL GROSS WT.:393.174 KGS 18 CARTONS 163.845 KGM 1.152 MTQ INV S5222412839 297256469 0131950871 IA4901 NO. OF CTNS:18 NO. OF PCS:362 TOTAL GROSS WT.:163.845 KGS 21 CARTONS 191.923 KGM 1.344 MTQ INV S5222412838 297256073 0131950834 IA4902 NO. OF CTNS:21 NO. OF PCS:400 TOTAL GROSS WT.:191.923 KGS 54 CARTONS 556.282 KGM 4.212 MTQ INV S5222413997 297440821 0132027313 IA6504 NO. OF CTNS:54 NO. OF PCS:1092 TOTAL GROSS WT.:556.282 KGS 35 CARTONS 432.044 KGM 2.73 MTQ INV S5222412859 297256925 0131952312 IA6499 NO. OF CTNS:35 NO. OF PCS:684 TOTAL GROSS WT.:432.044 KGS 24 CARTONS 81.234 KGM 1.975 MTQ OTRWR(WMS) OF CTTN 6104 HS CODE 6102200010 INV S5222415110 AHB-EXP-013763-22022023 DATE: 2023-02-22 297256748 0131952154 HJ8010 NO. OF CTNS:24 NO. OF PCS:332 TOTAL GROSS WT.:81.234 KGS 26 CARTONS 188.744 KGM 2.13 MTQ INV S5222414672 NBP-EXP-079985-06022023 DATE: 2023-02-06 297146009 0131901555 IA6418 NO. OF CTNS:26 NO. OF PCS:341 TOTAL GROSS WT.:188.744 KGS 64 CARTONS 450.472 KGM 5.241 MTQ INV S5222412855 SCB-EXP-000393-27012023 DATE: 2023-01-27 297256864 0131952246 IL5412 NO. OF CTNS:64 NO. OF PCS:902 TOTAL GROSS WT.:450.472 KGS 25 CARTONS 162.556 KGM 2.049 MTQ INV S5222413206 297365287 0132008325 HY1345 NO. OF CTNS:25 NO. OF PCS:316 TOTAL GROSS WT.:162.556 KGS 154.374 KGM 1.966 MTQ INV S5222413217 297366001 0132009093 NO. OF PCS:314 TOTAL GROSS WT.:154.374 KGS 32 CARTONS 307.5 KGM 2.621 MTQ INV S5222415122 HBL-EXP-006135-14022023 DATE: 2023-02-14 297257011 0131952328 IA6352 NO. OF CTNS:32 NO. OF PCS:615 TOTAL GROSS WT.:307.500 KGS 43 CARTONS 454.132 KGM 3.532 MTQ WOMNS/GRLSPULLOVRS,ETC,K HS CODE 6110202079 INV S5222413998 HMB-EXP-010257-01022023 DATE: 2023-02-01 297442313 0132027592 IK6470 NO. OF CTNS:43 NO. OF PCS:607 TOTAL GROSS WT.:454.132 KGS 14 CARTONS 164.337 KGM 0.944 MTQ INV S5222414115 297542995 0132239490 IA4846 NO. OF CTNS:14 NO. OF PCS:640 TOTAL GROSS WT.:164.337 KGS 38 CARTONS 398.402 KGM 3.113 MTQ INV S5222403432 297365581 0132008483 NO. OF CTNS:38 NO. OF PCS:532 TOTAL GROSS WT.:398.402 KGS 19 CARTONS 249.889 KGM 1.276 MTQ INV S5222414132 SCB-EXP-000363-25012023 297543725 0132240563 IA4845 NO. OF CTNS:19 NO. OF PCS:978 TOTAL GROSS WT.:249.889 KGS 9 CARTONS 105.208 KGM 0.604 MTQ WOMENS DRESSES OF COTTON HS CODE 6104420010 INV S5222415127 297257017 0131952350 HY8310 NO. OF CTNS:9 NO. OF PCS:318 TOTAL GROSS WT.:105.208 KGS 8 CARTONS 98.75 KGM 0.536 MTQ INV S5222415108 SCB-EXP-000596-06022023 297256761 0131952147 NO. OF CTNS:8 NO. OF PCS:300 TOTAL GROSS WT.:98.750 KGS 173.368 KGM 1.277 MTQ INV S5222415139 297257198 0131952416 IB7402 NO. OF PCS:688 TOTAL GROSS WT.:173.368 KGS 7 CARTONS 65.086 KGM 0.427 MTQ COTTON MENS TANK TOPS/OTH HS CODE 6109100018 INV S5222403420 297365461 0132008407 IA4801 NO. OF CTNS:7 NO. OF PCS:361 TOTAL GROSS WT.:65.086 KGS 108.04 KGM 0.537 MTQ INV S5222415137 297257197 0131952410 NO. OF PCS:335 TOTAL GROSS WT.:108.040 KGS 73.334 KGM 0.984 MTQ INV S5222415125 297257028 0131952347 IA4811 NO. OF PCS:534 TOTAL GROSS WT.:73.334 KGS 75.772 KGM 0.488 MTQ BABY GRMNTS,COTTN,SETS,OTH HS CODE INV S5222414674 AHB-EXP-011486-14022023 297146296 0131901589 FI8318 NO. OF PCS:311 TOTAL GROSS WT.:75.772 KGS 74 CARTONS 858.501 KGM 6.061 MTQ INV S5222403392 297365140 0132008238 IL7034 NO. OF CTNS:74 NO. OF PCS:850 TOTAL GROSS WT.:858.501 KGS 17 CARTONS 233 KGM 1.143 MTQ INV S5222403427 297365561 0132008476 IK4042 NO. OF CTNS:17 NO. OF PCS:930 TOTAL GROSS WT.:233.000 KGS 161.96 KGM 1.209 MTQ OF COTTON MENS OTHER T-SHI HS CODE 6109100012 INV S5222415724 297543731 0132240570 HY1343 NO. OF PCS:800 TOTAL GROSS WT.:161.960 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0463 AKI0463436,AKI0463437
FREIGHT COLLECT 8 CARTONS 70.656 KGM 0.488 MTQ COTTON MENS TANK TOPS/OTH HS CODE 6109100018 INV S5222411591 E-FORM FI-NO: HMB-EXP-002165-09012023 DATE: 2023-01-09 CUST. ORDER NO: 297146399 PO NO.: 0131901633 ARTICLE NO.: IA4800 NO. OF CTNS:8 NO. OF PCS:381 TOTAL GROSS WT.:70.656 KGS 6 CARTONS 48.26 KGM 0.402 MTQ MENS/BOYSPULLOVRS,ETC,KN HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5222409389 NBP-EXP-083280-14022023 DATE: 2023-02-14 296921877 0131780699 HT5229 NO. OF CTNS:6 NO. OF PCS:200 TOTAL GROSS WT.:48.260 KGS 26 CARTONS 239.95 KGM 2.13 MTQ TRSRS,BRCHS,MENS,COTN,NIT HS CODE 6103421020 INV S5222415112 AHB-EXP-011486-14022023 297256845 0131952224 IB1418 NO. OF CTNS:26 NO. OF PCS:440 TOTAL GROSS WT.:239.950 KGS 41 CARTONS 393.62 KGM 3.358 MTQ INV S5222414656 HBL-EXP-006135-14022023 297145488 0131901358 NO. OF CTNS:41 NO. OF PCS:720 TOTAL GROSS WT.:393.620 KGS 20 CARTONS 153.857 KGM 1.64 MTQ WOMNS TROUSERS/BREECH,COTN HS CODE 6104622011 INV S5222414666 AHB-EXP-011493-14022023 297145825 0131901498 IA6437 NO. OF CTNS:20 NO. OF PCS:321 TOTAL GROSS WT.:153.857 KGS 61 CARTONS 513.419 KGM 4.995 MTQ INV S5222403607 HMB-EXP-015050-15022023 DATE: 2023-02-15 297442344 0132027630 NO. OF CTNS:61 NO. OF PCS:1068 TOTAL GROSS WT.:513.419 KGS 10 CARTONS 121.012 KGM 0.672 MTQ WOMENS DRESSES OF COTTON HS CODE 6104420010 INV S5222415111 297256762 0131952158 HY8310 NO. OF CTNS:10 NO. OF PCS:367 TOTAL GROSS WT.:121.012 KGS 130.534 KGM INV S5222403471 297365820 0132009036 NO. OF PCS:404 TOTAL GROSS WT.:130.534 KGS 36.32 KGM 0.659 MTQ INV S5223419407 MCB-EXP-018049-16022023 DATE: 297684751 0132365474 IC9406 NO. OF PCS:137 TOTAL GROSS WT.:36.320 KGS 13 CARTONS 52.417 KGM 1.066 MTQ INV S5223419403 297685036 0132365459 HA4337 NO. OF CTNS:13 NO. OF PCS:191 TOTAL GROSS WT.:52.417 KGS 9 CARTONS 56.296 KGM 0.604 MTQ WOMNS/GRLSPULLOVRS,ETC,K HS CODE 6110202079 INV S5223419326 297684566 0132365265 HY8341 NO. OF CTNS:9 NO. OF PCS:286 TOTAL GROSS WT.:56.296 KGS 23 CARTONS 179.681 KGM 1.884 MTQ INV S5223419368 297685498 0132365368 NO. OF CTNS:23 NO. OF PCS:373 TOTAL GROSS WT.:179.681 KGS 25 CARTONS 183.989 KGM 2.049 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, WOMENS HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5223419398 297685159 0132365449 IA6420 NO. OF CTNS:25 NO. OF PCS:338 TOTAL GROSS WT.:183.989 KGS 17 CARTONS 139.587 KGM 1.036 MTQ INV S5223419427 297685697 0132365996 DV2870 NO. OF CTNS:17 NO. OF PCS:300 TOTAL GROSS WT.:139.587 KGS 95.462 KGM 0.538 MTQ INV S5222415741 297544100 0132240733 IL5393 NO. OF PCS:372 TOTAL GROSS WT.:95.462 KGS 12 CARTONS 105.789 KGM 0.805 MTQ INV S5223419408 297684949 0132365477 IC9793 NO. OF CTNS:12 NO. OF PCS:454 TOTAL GROSS WT.:105.789 KGS 11 CARTONS 73.43 KGM 0.738 MTQ INV S5223419327 297684567 0132365266 IC9788 NO. OF CTNS:11 NO. OF PCS:330 TOTAL GROSS WT.:73.430 KGS 16 CARTONS 150.826 KGM 1.074 MTQ INV S5223419570 297686217 0132366891 IL5425 NO. OF CTNS:16 NO. OF PCS:566 TOTAL GROSS WT.:150.826 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0462 AKI0462920,AKI0462921
FREIGHT COLLECT CAMO STR SHORT BLACK HS CODE 6103421050 INV S5222397471 E-FORM FI-NO: AHB-EXP-011486-14022023 DATE: 2023-02-14 CUST. ORDER NO: 296151421 PO NO.: 0131000473 ARTICLE NO.: HR3525 NO. OF CTNS:25 NO. OF PCS:444 TOTAL GROSS WT.:264.574 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0462 AKI0462920,AKI0462921
FREIGHT COLLECT 25 CARTONS 214.538 KGM 1.68 MTQ SHORTS, MENS,COTN,KNIT/CR HS CODE 6103421050 INV S5222405551 E-FORM FI-NO: HBL-EXP-040159-16122022 DATE: 2022-12-16 CUST. ORDER NO: 297145710 PO NO.: 0131901434 ARTICLE NO.: IA4901 NO. OF CTNS:25 NO. OF PCS:443 TOTAL GROSS WT.:214.538 KGS 21 CARTONS 233.36 KGM 1.721 MTQ TRSRS,BRCHS,MENS,COTN,NIT HS CODE 6103421020 INV S5222415126 NBP-EXP-079985-06022023 DATE: 2023-02-06 297257029 0131952348 IA4833 NO. OF CTNS:21 NO. OF PCS:340 TOTAL GROSS WT.:233.360 KGS 18 CARTONS 73.015 KGM 1.476 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, WOMENS HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5222403489 297365921 0132009068 HJ8001 NO. OF CTNS:18 NO. OF PCS:315 TOTAL GROSS WT.:73.015 KGS 26 CARTONS 175.946 KGM 2.13 MTQ MENS/BOYSPULLOVRS,ETC,KN HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5222412885 HBL-EXP-002585-23012023 DATE: 297257410 0131952478 IL5412 NO. OF CTNS:26 NO. OF PCS:361 TOTAL GROSS WT.:175.946 KGS 16 CARTONS 65.626 KGM 1.312 MTQ WOMNS/GRLSPULLOVRS,ETC,K HS CODE 6110202079 INV S5222415135 297257100 0131952383 HK9518 NO. OF CTNS:16 NO. OF PCS:308 TOTAL GROSS WT.:65.626 KGS 14 CARTONS 123.176 KGM 1.148 MTQ WOMNS TROUSERS/BREECH,COTN HS CODE 6104622011 INV S5222414109 297542871 0132239427 IC9922 NO. OF CTNS:14 NO. OF PCS:196 TOTAL GROSS WT.:123.176 KGS 46 CARTONS 714.4 KGM 2.802 MTQ WMN TROUSR/BRCH,CTN,RBR TH HS CODE 6104622006 INV S5222414128 SCB-EXP-000393-27012023 DATE: 2023-01-27 297543706 0132240515 IB7382 NO. OF CTNS:46 NO. OF PCS:2549 TOTAL GROSS WT.:714.400 KGS 20 CARTONS 217.98 KGM 1.645 MTQ INV S5222414131 HMB-EXP-009480-30012023 DATE: 2023-01-30 297543709 0132240561 IB2015 NO. OF CTNS:20 NO. OF PCS:300 TOTAL GROSS WT.:217.980 KGS 22 CARTONS 235.144 KGM 1.81 MTQ INV S5222414124 297543482 0132240422 IA4837 NO. OF CTNS:22 NO. OF PCS:359 TOTAL GROSS WT.:235.144 KGS 58 CARTONS 443.955 KGM 4.751 MTQ INV S5222414114 HMB-EXP-011029-03022023 DATE: 2023-02-03 297542962 0132239481 IA6416 NO. OF CTNS:58 NO. OF PCS:833 TOTAL GROSS WT.:443.955 KGS 10 CARTONS 83.294 KGM 0.672 MTQ WOMENS DRESSES OF COTTON HS CODE 6104420010 INV S5222415099 297255883 0131950779 IB7402 NO. OF CTNS:10 NO. OF PCS:329 TOTAL GROSS WT.:83.294 KGS 9 CARTONS 77.562 KGM 0.604 MTQ INV S5222415119 297256938 0131952301 IB7401 NO. OF CTNS:9 NO. OF PCS:312 TOTAL GROSS WT.:77.562 KGS 23 CARTONS 139.306 KGM 1.883 MTQ INV S5222403396 297365172 0132008271 HK9515 NO. OF CTNS:23 NO. OF PCS:330 TOTAL GROSS WT.:139.306 KGS 71.409 KGM 1.311 MTQ INV S5222403421 297365493 0132008416 HJ7995 NO. OF PCS:307 TOTAL GROSS WT.:71.409 KGS 186.19 KGM 1.72 MTQ INV S5222415101 297256082 0131950852 IB1418 TOTAL GROSS WT.:186.190 KGS 262.772 KGM 1.884 MTQ INV S5222414658 297145681 0131901431 IA4836 NO. OF PCS:397 TOTAL GROSS WT.:262.772 KGS 12 CARTONS 61.346 KGM 0.948 MTQ BABY SWEATRS,EXCPT PRT SET HS CODE 6111203000 INV S5222414670 SCB-EXP-000596-06022023 297146008 0131901541 H35545 NO. OF CTNS:12 NO. OF PCS:548 TOTAL GROSS WT.:61.346 KGS 4 CARTONS 22.02 KGM 0.256 MTQ HS CODE 6103421040 6110202069 INV S5223421626 NBP-EXP-079186-01022023 DATE: 2023-02-02 296714376 0131570623 IC9170 NO. OF CTNS:4 NO. OF PCS:30 TOTAL GROSS WT.:22.020 KGS
FREIGHT COLLECT W ALL SZN BF HD WHITE HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5222397264 E-FORM FI-NO: NBP-EXP-081042-08022023 DATE: 2022-12-01 CUST. ORDER NO: 295503140 PO NO.: 0130688283 ARTICLE NO.: HT3828 NO. OF CTNS:23 NO. OF PCS:315 TOTAL GROSS WT.:214.719 KGS
FREIGHT COLLECT 46 CARTONS 434.747 KGM 3.769 MTQ W ALL SZN BF HD WONRED HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5222360855 E-FORM FI-NO: SCB-EXP-000393-27012023 DATE: 2023-01-27 CUST. ORDER NO: 294307993 PO NO.: 0129607324 ARTICLE NO.: HM2318 NO. OF CTNS:46 NO. OF PCS:647 TOTAL GROSS WT.:434.747 KGS 12 CARTONS 137.6 KGM 0.806 MTQ CAMO AOP TEE BLACK HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5222388531 HBL-EXP-003743-30012023 DATE: 2023-01-30 296311445 0131270308 IC5727 NO. OF CTNS:12 NO. OF PCS:540 TOTAL GROSS WT.:137.600 KGS 11 CARTONS 85.758 KGM 0.671 MTQ W 3S HW LG SILDAW/MULTCO/WHITE/ HS CODE 6104622006 INV S5222387671 296150650 0130999313 IC9895 NO. OF CTNS:11 NO. OF PCS:323 TOTAL GROSS WT.:85.758 KGS 21 CARTONS 81.841 KGM 1.721 MTQ M 3S FT TC PT LEGINK/WHITE HS CODE 6103421020 INV S5222387027 296714556 0131570673 IC9406 NO. OF CTNS:21 NO. OF PCS:303 TOTAL GROSS WT.:81.841 KGS 10 CARTONS 90.776 KGM 0.61 MTQ SHORT TEE SET WHITE HS CODE INV S5222403543 296595969 0131506373 IC2027 NO. OF CTNS:10 NO. OF PCS:372 TOTAL GROSS WT.:90.776 KGS 14 CARTONS 163.974 KGM 0.857 MTQ 3 STRIPES TIGHT BLACK INV S5222409050 SCB-EXP-000195-17012023 DATE: 2023-01-17 296714811 0131570767 IB7383 NO. OF CTNS:14 NO. OF PCS:577 TOTAL GROSS WT.:163.974 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0460 AKI0460544,AKI0460545,AKI0460546
FREIGHT COLLECT 9 CARTONS 87.038 KGM 0.576 MTQ MENS/BOYSPULLOVRS,ETC,KN HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5222413205 E-FORM FI-NO: AHB-EXP-003342-13012023 DATE: 2023-01-13 CUST. ORDER NO: 297365274 PO NO.: 0132008323 ARTICLE NO.: IA4845 NO. OF CTNS:9 NO. OF PCS:335 TOTAL GROSS WT.:87.038 KGS 8 CARTONS 82.03 KGM 0.512 MTQ INV S5222413214 297365540 0132008473 IA4846 NO. OF CTNS:8 NO. OF PCS:317 TOTAL GROSS WT.:82.030 KGS 38 CARTONS 303.22 KGM 2.964 MTQ WOMNS TROUSERS/BREECH,COTN HS CODE 6104622011 INV S5222408629 296478158 0131441340 IA1249 NO. OF CTNS:38 NO. OF PCS:628 TOTAL GROSS WT.:303.220 KGS 19 CARTONS 120.269 KGM 1.277 MTQ BABY GRMNTS,COTTN,SETS,OTH HS CODE INV S5222410040 HMB-EXP-002406-09012023 DATE: 2023-01-09 297068121 0131857863 IC9112 NO. OF CTNS:19 NO. OF PCS:300 TOTAL GROSS WT.:120.269 KGS 51 CARTONS 418.49 KGM 4.197 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, MENS HS CODE 6110202041 INV S5222411577 SCB-EXP-000195-17012023 DATE: 2023-01-17 297146016 0131901543 IA4889 NO. OF CTNS:51 NO. OF PCS:487 TOTAL GROSS WT.:418.490 KGS 50 CARTONS 420.996 KGM 4.096 MTQ WOMNS/GRLSPULLOVRS,ETC,K HS CODE 6110202079 INV S5222409600 HBL-EXP-000467-05012023 DATE: 2023-01-05 296989886 0131818225 IB7434 NO. OF CTNS:50 NO. OF PCS:721 TOTAL GROSS WT.:420.996 KGS 14 CARTONS 178.056 KGM 0.947 MTQ INV S5222412849 297256772 0131952170 IA4844 NO. OF CTNS:14 NO. OF PCS:714 TOTAL GROSS WT.:178.056 KGS 16 CARTONS 105.276 KGM 1.081 MTQ INV S5222409393 HBL-EXP-002372-20012023 DATE: 2023-01-20 296921988 0131780808 IC5463 NO. OF CTNS:16 NO. OF PCS:336 TOTAL GROSS WT.:105.276 KGS INV DATE: 13 CARTONS 109.67 KGM 0.793 MTQ GIRLS SHORTS OF COTTON, OHS CODE 6104622060 INV S5222409511 296951542 0131798131 IC3122 NO. OF CTNS:13 NO. OF PCS:784 TOTAL GROSS WT.:109.670 KGS 6 CARTONS 47.07 KGM 0.402 MTQ INV S5222409397 296922529 0131781093 HT5227 NO. OF CTNS:6 NO. OF PCS:200 TOTAL GROSS WT.:47.070 KGS 29 CARTONS 287.876 KGM 1.959 MTQ WOMENS DRESSES OF COTTON HS CODE 6104420010 INV S5222409394 296922153 0131780934 IB7403 NO. OF CTNS:29 NO. OF PCS:1151 TOTAL GROSS WT.:287.876 KGS 68.519 KGM WMN TROUSR/BRCH,CTN,RBR TH HS CODE 6104622006 INV S5222411564 AHB-EXP-001838-09012023 297145363 0131901315 HY8314 NO. OF PCS:357 TOTAL GROSS WT.:68.519 KGS 23 CARTONS 76.837 KGM 1.884 MTQ OTRWR(WMS) OF CTTNCTTN 6104 HS CODE 6102200010 INV S5222412847 HBL-EXP-002585-23012023 297256692 0131952122 HJ8010 NO. OF CTNS:23 NO. OF PCS:321 TOTAL GROSS WT.:76.837 KGS 17 CARTONS 72.237 KGM 1.394 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, WOMENS HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5222412857 297256885 0131952251 HJ8001 NO. OF CTNS:17 NO. OF PCS:311 TOTAL GROSS WT.:72.237 KGS 25 CARTONS 81.853 KGM 1.95 MTQ INV S5222412852 297256844 0131952223 HC8848 NO. OF CTNS:25 NO. OF PCS:339 TOTAL GROSS WT.:81.853 KGS 18 CARTONS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0459 AKI0459938,AKI0459939
44 CARTONS 410.858 KGM 2.957 MTQ SHORTS, MENS,COTN,KNIT/CR HS CODE 6103421050 INV S5222405535 E-FORM FI-NO: AHB-EXP-104172-22122022 DATE: 2022-12-22 CUST. ORDER NO: 297145390 PO NO.: 0131901344 ARTICLE NO.: IB3141 NO. OF CTNS:44 NO. OF PCS:873 TOTAL GROSS WT.:410.858 KGS 68 CARTONS 859.068 KGM 5.569 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, WOMENS HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5222405561 297145836 0131901509 HZ8640 NO. OF CTNS:68 NO. OF PCS:1363 TOTAL GROSS WT.:859.068 KGS 8 CARTONS 87.724 KGM 0.536 MTQ MENS/BOYSPULLOVRS,ETC,KN HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5222407657 AHB-EXP-105058-26122022 DATE: 2022-12-26 297256573 0131952075 IC9788 NO. OF CTNS:8 NO. OF PCS:429 TOTAL GROSS WT.:87.724 KGS 7 CARTONS 59.136 KGM 0.406 MTQ HS CODE 6109100018 INV S5222404093 NBP-EXP-076145-23012023 DATE: 296921887 0131780725 IA4798 NO. OF CTNS:7 NO. OF PCS:316 TOTAL GROSS WT.:59.136 KGS 38 CARTONS 432.588 KGM 2.434 MTQ HS CODE 6103421040 6110202069 INV S5222403682 AHB-EXP-005266-20012023 DATE: 2023-01-20 296714376 0131570623 IC9170 NO. OF CTNS:38 NO. OF PCS:714 TOTAL GROSS WT.:432.588 KGS INV 53 CARTONS 403.889 KGM 3.555 MTQ 6110202044 INV S5222403701 296714929 0131570833 IB9912 NO. OF CTNS:53 NO. OF PCS:623 TOTAL GROSS WT.:403.889 KGS 16 CARTONS 97.707 KGM 0.928 MTQ HS CODE 6114200010 INV S5222404092 296921892 0131780714 IB7312 NO. OF CTNS:16 NO. OF PCS:382 TOTAL GROSS WT.:97.707 KGS 20 CARTONS 199.28 KGM 1.449 MTQ INV S5222412881 AHB-EXP-001838-09012023 DATE: 2023-01-09 297257300 0131952443 IA4867 NO. OF CTNS:20 NO. OF PCS:1090 TOTAL GROSS WT.:199.280 KGS 3 CARTONS 15.344 KGM 0.183 MTQ INV S5222413202 SCB-EXP-000195-17012023 DATE: 2023-01-17 297365160 0132008245 H25246 NO. OF CTNS:3 NO. OF PCS:129 TOTAL GROSS WT.:15.344 KGS 28 CARTONS 209.687 KGM 2.294 MTQ INV S5222409044 HMB-EXP-002406-09012023 296714289 0131570598 IC9403 NO. OF CTNS:28 NO. OF PCS:498 TOTAL GROSS WT.:209.687 KGS 15 CARTONS 213.307 KGM 0.96 MTQ GIRLS DRESSES OF COTTON HS CODE 6104420020 INV S5222409048 AHB-EXP-003342-13012023 DATE: 2023-01-13 296714589 0131570700 IC3112 NO. OF CTNS:15 NO. OF PCS:784 TOTAL GROSS WT.:213.307 KGS 11 CARTONS 88.054 KGM 0.738 MTQ INV S5222409049 296714734 0131570762 IA4872 NO. OF CTNS:11 NO. OF PCS:462 TOTAL GROSS WT.:88.054 KGS 10 CARTONS 209.7 KGM 0.671 MTQ INV S5222409051 296714923 0131570832 IA4815 NO. OF CTNS:10 NO. OF PCS:363 TOTAL GROSS WT.:209.700 KGS 14 CARTONS 151.786 KGM 0.854 MTQ WMN TROUSR/BRCH,CTN,RBR TH HS CODE 6104622006 INV S5222409052 296715000 0131570841 IC9894 NO. OF CTNS:14 NO. OF PCS:731 TOTAL GROSS WT.:151.786 KGS 32 CARTONS 294.24 KGM 1.949 MTQ INV S5222409055 296715311 0131571185 IB9983 NO. OF CTNS:32 NO. OF PCS:613 TOTAL GROSS WT.:294.240 KGS 54.563 KGM 0.488 MTQ GMTS, KNI/CRO, COTT,TOPS, INV S5222409054 296715231 0131571164 IB7302 NO. OF PCS:423 TOTAL GROSS WT.:54.563 KGS 21 CARTONS 95.98 KGM 1.72 MTQ INV S5222411589 297146313 0131901624 HJ7995 NO. OF CTNS:21 NO. OF PCS:420 TOTAL GROSS WT.:95.980 KGS 78.148 KGM 0.464 MTQ BABY GRMNTS,COTTN,SETS,OTH HS CODE INV S5222408781 296594395 0131506229 IB8641 NO. OF PCS:342 TOTAL GROSS WT.:78.148 KGS 239.83 KGM 1.411 MTQ WOMNS/GRLSPULLOVRS,ETC,K HS CODE 6110202079 INV S5222411573 HBL-EXP-001670-16012023 DATE: 2023-01-16 297145773 0131901488 IB7419 NO. OF PCS:1165 TOTAL GROSS WT.:239.830 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0459 AKI0459938,AKI0459939
FREIGHT COLLECT 9 CARTONS 38.957 KGM 0.549 MTQ WOMENS SHORTS, OTHR, OF CO HS CODE 6104622030 INV S5222407374 E-FORM FI-NO: HBL-EXP-003743-30012023 DATE: 2023-01-30 CUST. ORDER NO: 296008794 PO NO.: 0130936206 ARTICLE NO.: HT6219 NO. OF CTNS:9 NO. OF PCS:228 TOTAL GROSS WT.:38.957 KGS 8 CARTONS 70.226 KGM 0.488 MTQ COTTON MENS TANK TOPS/OTH HS CODE 6109100018 INV S5222412874 AHB-EXP-001838-09012023 DATE: 2023-01-09 297257210 0131952418 IA4801 NO. OF CTNS:8 NO. OF PCS:371 TOTAL GROSS WT.:70.226 KGS 96.97 KGM 0.512 MTQ MENS/BOYSPULLOVRS,ETC,KN HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5222408038 AHB-EXP-003342-13012023 DATE: 2023-01-13 295624808 0130762843 HD4219 NO. OF PCS:425 TOTAL GROSS WT.:96.970 KGS 32 CARTONS 310.44 KGM 2.621 MTQ INV S5222409047 HBL-EXP-001670-16012023 DATE: 2023-01-16 296714564 0131570678 IA4881 NO. OF CTNS:32 NO. OF PCS:349 TOTAL GROSS WT.:310.440 KGS 22 CARTONS 162.244 KGM 1.341 MTQ HS CODE 6103421040 6110202069 INV S5222411584 297146121 0131901600 H25250 NO. OF CTNS:22 NO. OF PCS:322 TOTAL GROSS WT.:162.244 KGS 12 CARTONS 137.696 KGM 0.768 MTQ INV S5222412991 SCB-EXP-000393-27012023 DATE: 2023-01-27 297322523 0131980220 HK2955 NO. OF CTNS:12 NO. OF PCS:218 TOTAL GROSS WT.:137.696 KGS 16 CARTONS 187.512 KGM 1.075 MTQ INV S5222409475 296946272 0131797100 IT8182 NO. OF CTNS:16 NO. OF PCS:800 TOTAL GROSS WT.:187.512 KGS 338.88 KGM INV S5222409473 296946599 0131797089 IT8183 TOTAL GROSS WT.:338.880 KGS 13 CARTONS 253.732 KGM 0.874 MTQ INV S5222409464 296943751 0131797062 IT8180 NO. OF CTNS:13 NO. OF PCS:600 TOTAL GROSS WT.:253.732 KGS 26 CARTONS 217.873 KGM 1.585 MTQ INV S5222414126 297543552 0132240452 ED7797 NO. OF CTNS:26 NO. OF PCS:593 TOTAL GROSS WT.:217.873 KGS 7 CARTONS 43.506 KGM 0.574 MTQ INV S5222414130 297543724 0132240553 IA4809 NO. OF CTNS:7 NO. OF PCS:301 TOTAL GROSS WT.:43.506 KGS 67.96 KGM 0.603 MTQ INV S5222409463 SCB-EXP-000363-25012023 DATE: 296943588 0131797055 IT8190 NO. OF PCS:400 TOTAL GROSS WT.:67.960 KGS 18 CARTONS 147.345 KGM 1.098 MTQ INV S5222409392 296921984 0131780806 IC6241 NO. OF CTNS:18 NO. OF PCS:887 TOTAL GROSS WT.:147.345 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0460 AKI0460544,AKI0460545,AKI0460546
FREIGHT COLLECT VAS DETAILS: ELITE -ELITE CUSTOMER -24H -BL ORIGINAL 24H 2 CARTONS 11.536 KGM 0.164 MTQ W ALL SZN BF HD ALMBLU HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5222369730 E-FORM FI-NO: HBL-EXP-002372-20012023 DATE: 2023-01-20 CUST. ORDER NO: 295809817 PO NO.: 0130837826 ARTICLE NO.: HN4209 NO. OF CTNS:2 NO. OF PCS:16 TOTAL GROSS WT.:11.536 KGS INV DATE: 23 CARTONS 175.532 KGM 1.884 MTQ PANTS BLACK HS CODE 6104622011 INV S5222403360 BOP-EXP-011604-16122022 DATE: 2022-12-16 296310483 0131269858 IA6444 NO. OF CTNS:23 NO. OF PCS:384 TOTAL GROSS WT.:175.532 KGS 5 CARTONS 33.135 KGM 0.29 MTQ TREFOIL TEE WHITE/BLACK HS CODE 6110202069 INV S5222405029 AHB-EXP-100697-09122022 DATE: 2022-12-09 297066987 0131857032 H25246 NO. OF CTNS:5 NO. OF PCS:346 TOTAL GROSS WT.:33.135 KGS 65 CARTONS 769.528 KGM 5.349 MTQ ESSENTIALS PANT ALMYEL HS CODE 6103421020 INV S5222405087 AHB-EXP-001838-09012023 DATE: 2023-01-09 297068197 0131857869 IA4831 NO. OF CTNS:65 NO. OF PCS:1153 TOTAL GROSS WT.:769.528 KGS 47 CARTONS 425.112 KGM 3.174 MTQ HOODIE BLUDAW/EASGRN/PREBLU HS CODE 6110202044 INV S5222403722 296715500 0131571201 IC6229 NO. OF CTNS:47 NO. OF PCS:817 TOTAL GROSS WT.:425.112 KGS 7 CARTONS 71.208 KGM 0.474 MTQ 3 STRIPES TEE ALMYEL HS CODE 6110202079 INV S5222404674 296990716 0131818385 HY8299 NO. OF CTNS:7 NO. OF PCS:301 TOTAL GROSS WT.:71.208 KGS 40 CARTONS 331.492 KGM 3.276 MTQ M ALL SZN G HDY PREBLU HS CODE 6110202041 INV S5222409045 HBL-EXP-001670-16012023 DATE: 2023-01-16 296714378 0131570610 IC9778 NO. OF CTNS:40 NO. OF PCS:562 TOTAL GROSS WT.:331.492 KGS 55 CARTONS 411.712 KGM 4.527 MTQ HOODIE ALMYEL INV S5222409605 HMB-EXP-002406-09012023 296990898 0131818419 HZ8667 NO. OF CTNS:55 NO. OF PCS:775 TOTAL GROSS WT.:411.712 KGS 41 CARTONS 342.558 KGM 3.375 MTQ M ALL SZN G HDY WONQUA INV S5222409602 296989993 0131818249 IC9776 NO. OF CTNS:41 NO. OF PCS:583 TOTAL GROSS WT.:342.558 KGS 17 CARTONS 133.621 KGM 1.398 MTQ M MH BOSSHORTFT BLACK HS CODE 6103421050 INV S5222409388 296921786 0131780649 IC9401 NO. OF CTNS:17 NO. OF PCS:320 TOTAL GROSS WT.:133.621 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0459 AKI0459938,AKI0459939
FREIGHT COLLECT 9 CARTONS 84.729 KGM 0.522 MTQ WMN TROUSR/BRCH,CTN,RBR TH HS CODE 6104622006 INV S5222407679 E-FORM FI-NO: AHB-EXP-003342-13012023 DATE: 2023-01-13 CUST. ORDER NO: 297310770 PO NO.: 0131978836 ARTICLE NO.: IC9894 NO. OF CTNS:9 NO. OF PCS:304 TOTAL GROSS WT.:84.729 KGS 13 CARTONS 238.12 KGM 0.832 MTQ GIRLS DRESSES OF COTTON HS CODE 6104420020 INV S5222412842 297256586 0131952078 IB8603 NO. OF CTNS:13 NO. OF PCS:609 TOTAL GROSS WT.:238.120 KGS 20 CARTONS 227.412 KGM 1.639 MTQ TRSRS,BRCHS,MENS,COTN,NIT HS CODE 6103421020 INV S5222413213 HBL-EXP-001670-16012023 DATE: 2023-01-16 297365538 0132008470 IA4835 NO. OF CTNS:20 NO. OF PCS:327 TOTAL GROSS WT.:227.412 KGS 45 CARTONS 397.7 KGM 2.88 MTQ SHORTS, MENS,COTN,KNIT/CR HS CODE 6103421050 INV S5222409053 296715125 0131570885 IB2017 NO. OF CTNS:45 NO. OF PCS:857 TOTAL GROSS WT.:397.700 KGS 17 CARTONS 125.36 KGM 1.149 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, BOYS HS CODE 6110202044 INV S5222411587 SCB-EXP-000195-17012023 DATE: 2023-01-17 297146501 0131901619 HK0336 NO. OF CTNS:17 NO. OF PCS:310 TOTAL GROSS WT.:125.360 KGS 23 CARTONS 191.95 KGM 1.893 MTQ WOMNS TROUSERS/BREECH,COTN HS CODE 6104622011 INV S5222413203 297365255 0132008302 HK0439 NO. OF CTNS:23 NO. OF PCS:320 TOTAL GROSS WT.:191.950 KGS 6 CARTONS 49.533 KGM 0.365 MTQ GRLS TROUSERS/BREECH,COT,R HS CODE 6104622026 INV S5222413211 297365456 0132008411 HD2025 NO. OF CTNS:6 NO. OF PCS:309 TOTAL GROSS WT.:49.533 KGS 21 CARTONS 198.456 KGM 1.638 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, WOMENS HS CODE 6110202046 INV S5222411572 297145591 0131901410 HC8823 NO. OF CTNS:21 NO. OF PCS:303 TOTAL GROSS WT.:198.456 KGS 41 CARTONS 375.712 KGM 3.198 MTQ SWEATSHIRTS, OF COTTON, MENS HS CODE 6110202041 INV S5222413204 297365264 0132008310 IA4828 NO. OF CTNS:41 NO. OF PCS:585 TOTAL GROSS WT.:375.712 KGS 168.545 KGM 1.794 MTQ INV S5222411566 297145381 0131901335 IA6441 NO. OF PCS:368 TOTAL GROSS WT.:168.545 KGS PART LOAD CONTAINER(S) COVERED BY BLS:AKI0456 AKI0459364,AKI0459365,AKI0459366,AKI0459367
Get an overview of internationally purchased products by Adidas International Trading AG with Company Transparency
Is Adidas International Trading AG able to reduce costs in the upstream supply chain?
Each tier in the supply chain or supply network of Adidas International Trading AG is adding value and therefore costs. The more tiers, the more expensive the product gets. Supply chains are normally not very transparent, trade secrets are part of the survival tactics in each stage of the value chain, especially for trading companies.
If e.g. a Tier-1 supplier from Adidas International Trading AG that primarily trades a product and doesn’t add any value (only fulfills the distributor function) it is possible to shorten the supply chain and reduce purchasing costs. A previous Tier-2 supplier now turns into a Tier-1 supplier, which we call "go-direct". In our tool Supply Chain Intelligence as far as international suppliers are concerned, this analysis can be done with one click:
Is Adidas International Trading AG a reliable supplier?
Each company contributes significantly minimizing risks for its buyers, through its own stability. Internal risks (endogenous factors) can be e.g. financially (financial ratios, free cash flow, balance sheets) or operationally (production, lead times). Since 2021, external risks have increased due to worldwide shortages and are an important factor as to whether a supplier such as Adidas International Trading AG can itself reliably deliver due to external dependencies (exogenous factors).
To assess this, data analysis should be conducted to get practical answers:
Does Adidas International Trading AG have procurement problems at the moment?
The more constant incoming shipments, the better one can determine possible procurement problems of a company like Adidas International Trading AG
Since 2021, there are increasingly external factors due to global supply shortages, whether a company, no matter manufacturer or distributor, can reliably deliver through dependencies.
Based on the statistical trend of shipments (in terms of the number of shipments and respectively the quantity of goods) it is possible to analyze current procurement stability and thus ultimately also to derive an indication of the company’s delivery and performance capability.
Here you can see an analysis of shipments from international suppliers to Adidas International Trading AG in the last few months with Company Transparency
What is the CO₂ footprint and sustainability of Adidas International Trading AG products?
Sourcing products as regionally as possible with short shipping routes and the use of sustainable materials define the CO₂ footprint and sustainability of the products of any company, including Adidas International Trading AG
After many companies, predominantly due to cost savings, have been building their networks increasingly internationally for years, there is now an increasing trend of so-called “on-shoring” or “near-shoring”. Attempting to include suppliers who are the closest to the supply chain because of financial, risk, environmental and image aspects:
Saving international freight costs, which have risen extremely since 2021.
Minimizing risks caused by logistics problems (e.g. the Suez Canal obstruction in 2021)
Attempting to reduce the carbon footprint when purchasing products.
Setting and meeting sustainability goals for own products of Adidas International Trading AG
Based on the development of current shipments (in terms of number of shipments and quantity of goods) and changes in international suppliers and routes, it is possible to analyze the extent to which Adidas International Trading AG has already made efforts in recent months and years, to focus on environmentally relevant aspects, like carbon footprint and sustainability in its business activities.
Who are the competitors of Adidas International Trading AG?
Generally you can differentiate the competition of Adidas International Trading AG by the purchase and sales perspective.
Start the competitive analysis on the purchase side.
Start the competitive analysis on the sales side.
Who are the competitors of Adidas International Trading AG on the purchase side?
Competitors of Adidas International Trading AG on the purchase side (procurement of raw materials and components for production or distribution) are exposed on ABRAMs wiki under Competitive Intelligence, purchased products, classified by HS-Codes (e.g. 640110, 640411) or by top product terms.
Who are the competitors of Adidas International Trading AG on the sales side (selling similar products)?
Competitors on the sales side of Adidas International Trading AG (selling raw materials or components for production or distribution) are exposed on ABRAMS wiki under Competitive Intelligence, sold products classified by HS-Codes or by top product terms.
Further information on shipments from Adidas International Trading AG
shipments statistically processed according to business relationship
product portfolio
shipment history
and much more
Which companies buy similar products like Adidas International Trading AG?